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8 Best AngularJS Tools for Developers
In Development, Resources
Web designing & developing are one of the most happening things in the IT field. It belongs to the fraternity of software development & is hence seated amongst the few top classifications in the IT market. With the passage of time, various new approaches for web designing.
10 Best Wire-Framing Tools For UX Designers
Wire framing is indeed an important tool in the world of programming. Wire framing tools allow us to draft various interfaces directly from websites and any mobile applications. It is also used to create very critical diagrams, prototypes and mock-ups. These wire framing tools can be used
8 Best Cloud Programming Languages
In Development
Programming language is an important thing to choose and there are many different kinds of programming language. There is general purpose programming language and object oriented programming language. Here in this article we will provide you with a list of eight cloud based programming language that should
6 Best Ubuntu Based CSS Editors
In Development, Resources
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language that is used to compose the layouts of any document which may be written in markup languages. The main job that is served by CSS is differentiating amongst the presentation of a document from its content. This
10 Best Ruby On Rails Development Resources
In Development, Resources
Ruby on rails is basically an open source web framework which is optimized for programmer’s convenience and sustainable development. It allows a programmer to write brilliant code with absolute ease. By using Ruby on rails the efficiency of a programmer can increase to a great extent. Using
21 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Programmers
In Development, Resources
JavaScript is the most basic scripting language and it is used extensively by the web designers for their web application. JavaScript frameworks are nothing but a collection of pre written set of codes which allows a pre built structure for the website or a web application. This
8 Best Bootstrap Alternative for Web Developers
In Development, Resources
Bootstrap is used by many web developers and it is quite well known in the web development world. Although it is a good way to use the Bootstrap to design a website, but there are many problems while using it. One of the usual problems with Bootstrap
12 Best PHP Frameworks for PHP Developers
In Development, Resources
Currently PHP is rated as the most important and functional platform for any web developer to showcase their work. This is because it is used extensively for creating web sites. Maximum of the websites which are alive on the internet is based on PHP. A good PHP
15 Best Favicon Generators for Web Designers
Some might you have noticed that certain blogs or sites have icons that appear next to the web address. These small icons are in the form of .ICO formats and are known as Favicon. The Favicon appears only when you save the address in the browser and
6 Best WordPress Contact Forms Plugins
In Resources
Are you looking to include a contact form on your WordPress site? Not certain which one of the 1625+ WordPress contact form plugins to utilize? In this article, we have picked the some best WordPress contact form plugins and evaluate their features so you can simply add