Due to the vast level of evolution in information and technology, the platforms of development are adopting advancement and integration features for better output. HTML is one of the most popular platforms for development that has currently evolved to HTML5 version. Use of this powerful tool helps the web designers and developers to enhance the capability and simplify the complications of task. This has become possible with the help of HTML5 libraries and tools for developers. These tools are capable of providing best in class outcome if implemented at right place.

HTML5 is already loaded with many useful features including cross browser support, visual elements and structural specified tags. By using some HTML5 libraries and tools for developers, one can enhance the capabilities and ease of use for every kind of development. A large number of libraries provided by various websites are available to use. If you are also a developer who prefers to work on HTML5, then this is the right place to search for a suitable tool. From the below article, you will get some idea for choosing the best one according to the requirement:-

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

15 Best HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers:

1.     Dreamweaver CS5:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This computer program allows the users to design and develop the websites in a similar manner to that of word processors like Microsoft Word or Office. This is one of the best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers that provide WYSIWYG functionality. Dreamweaver CS5 tool also features multiscreen preview panel, integration with Adobe browser lab and jQuery mobile. This tool plays an important role in the development of professional websites when it comes to adding creativity over websites. Dreamweaver CS5 allows the users to use HTML5 and CSS3 code structure on their websites. 

2.     HTML KickStart:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This is a front-end HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework that help developers to build web page prototypes quickly and easily. The web development tool is gaining popularity among HTML5 developers because of its extended set of elements, layouts and other front-end files for CSS3, HTML5, and Jquery. All the components of Kickstart consist of items including slides, many, buttons, icons, tabs and more that developers need to effectively build apps. This offers suitable ways for the users to save a considerable amount of time when creating websites. HTML Kickstart allows the developers to style the images, tabs, galleries and more.

3.     Bootstrap:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      Bootstrap is well known as an outstanding and best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers. This framework gives users access to tools for enhancing the design of the websites and let them build a feature rich web pages. It has inbuilt HTML and CSS designs that help in creating typography, forms, navigation buttons and other interface components. This framework is easy to use and due to this reason many developers and designers use Bootstrap as their default HTML5 development framework.

4.     Iconic: 

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This is one of the best HTML5 based mobile frameworks that enables development of cross-platform apps and mobile websites using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. Iconic contains all the required mobile functionality like touch recognition, animation logic, asynchronous communication and native packaging. The freely available or open source code base, community, and documentation make the development environment easy and accessible for both the beginners and the experienced one. More than 2 millions of websites and mobile applications have been built using this framework.

5.     Sprite Box Tool: 

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      Sprite Box Tool is one of the best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers to sketch CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. This helps the designers to design images into the sprites using the outstanding jQuery, CSS3, and HTML5 tools. Sprite box tool is available free of cost and works well to increase the speed of images transaction.

6.     Framework7: 

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      Framework7 is free and open source HTML framework that contains the tools and features for building mobile and web apps with iOS and Android native look and feel. This offers wire-framing and prototyping functionality to create prototypes in just a few seconds. Framework7 provides the ability to build native Android and iOS apps using HTML5, CSS3, and javaScript. The web development tool features UI elements and widgets like popup, popover, list views, media lists, tabs, preloader, side panels and form elements etc. This is a great solution to create Android apps with the native material look and feel.  

7.     Sprout Core:  

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This is one of the oldest and best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers to create desktop-style applications that run in the browser using only HTML, CSS and JaveScript. Sprouts Core provides an easy to use the framework and supports platforms like AppCache or Cordova. The framework is original JavaScript MVC library for building web applications that run in the browser using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The developers can build their application using local environment and after developing use the sprout core tools to compile the applications into a set of static files, they have placed on the web server.

8.     Jquery Mobile:    

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      Jquery Mobile is an HTML5 UI framework that allows developers to create applications and websites which are accessible on all Smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.  This framework is designed to simplify and enhance the development of mobile web applications by integrating HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery UI into one framework. Jquery Mobile framework features touch-friendly form elements, responsive design tools and techniques, UI widgets for instant development progress, an inbuilt navigation system based on AJAX and Theme-Roller plug-in that will let the user adjust as well as build their own themes etc.

9.     HTML5 Bones:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This is an HTML5 template that allows the developers to get started with the HTML5 projects using basic components. HTML5 Bones acts as a perfect and best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers to create websites. This contains some web development components like HTML5 Shiv, CSS, normalize and some important markups. One can use markups as a header, footer section and more ways as per their requirement for creating the websites.

10. BlueGriffon:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers


      BlueGriffon framework is a free web editor tool for Windows, Mac OS and Linux for website designing. This provides a simple user interface that allows creating attractive websites without requiring extensive technical knowledge about web standard. The web creating tool helps the developers to embed HTML5 audio and video elements into a web page.

11.  HTML5 Maker:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

 HTML5 Maker comes in the list of perfect and best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers to create banner ads for products. This framework helps developers to create animated multimedia content like slider or banners without having design or development skills. While using this tool the developers have the choice to choose the templates from an extensive list. HTML5 Maker allows the user to embed their animations from the cloud into their website or share them as templates.

This is the best choice for the developers and designers because it reduces the amount of time that they spend in creating animations from the scratch. HTML5 maker contains a large collection of images that one can use in their projects and also manipulate their properties and create amazing Instagram-like effects.

12 Monaca:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This makes it easy for developers to create HTML5 mobile apps using PhoneGap and Cordova. Monaca provides tools and features to optimize users overall development experience. The framework is packed with many UI components that help in creating seamless and beautiful apps. This provides a testing tool i.e. Monaca debugger which adds advanced JavaScript debugging to your Cordova apps. Developers can debug iOS and Android apps on Windows and Mac without installing SDKs using Monaca framework.

The features of Monaca includes allow to develop in the cloud. One can use all features like design, development, testing, and building etc. together as a fully fledged app development platform or also use them separately whenever necessary and allow the user to combine Monaca with any of their favorite frameworks.

13. Montage: HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This HTML5  framework is one of the best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers to build high-performance single page apps. Montage allows the developers to build an application with module-based approach for seamless experience for application users.  This framework uses the native web as its base for creating applications.

     14.    Liveweave:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

       Liveweave is an HTML5 development tool that allows the developers to test their codes on it. This development tool  is available free of cost and most of the developers use this tools. Liveweave is beneficial to use as it saves the time  of developers when it comes to testing the code. The features include code hinting or auto-completion technology  built-in fro HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery coding and multiple layouts for all the panels and two themes to  choose from etc.

    15.    iio Engine:

HTML5 Libraries and Tools for Developers

      This is an extensive framework and provides best HTML5 libraries and tools for developers for the development of HTML5 applications. Iio Engine features include SDK, an advanced debugging system and cross-platform deployment engine etc.